Saturday, July 26, 2008

On vacation......

No, I haven't gone anywhere, but I've been taking some time off from the computer. I did add cover pictures to the rest of my "uncovered" books on LibraryThing. My mother in law is giving me a lifetime membership to LibraryThing for my birthday :) , so I'll probably be spending a lot more time there..... I downloaded an image re-sizer tool from The Windows XP Powertoys site. It allows you to resize the pictures in your computer. I have been using it to make my pictures smaller to make them faster to send via e-mail. Otherwise, I have been enjoying summer and spending time at work and in my garden.


La-la said...

I drove by your house today and noticed how pretty your flowers were. They look nice from the road. Keep up the good work!!

Lori said...

Thank you for sharing photos of you & your garden. Everything looks great! What are the yellow flowers on the far left?

librarycat said...

The yellow flowers are Heliopsis. The variety is called "Summer Sun".