Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thing #21 Other Social Networks

I took a look at Gather, and didn't really like it. It reminded me of the social media sites like Digg, where everyone could comment on news articles, etc. I liked Web Junction much more. It looks like a good site to go to for professional development and to connect with staff from other libraries. I joined the 23 Things Ning a few weeks ago, and had fun customizing my page with pictures, etc. I joined the "Mock Newbery" group, left several comments, and added a Ning badge to my blog. I felt safer joining this social network than I would MySpace or Facebook, because it seems more private. I also belong to a group called AtlasQuest , which is kind of like a social network for those involved in letterboxing. The site offers clues, online discussions, mail, tutorials, etc. as well as allowing you to set up your own page with a profile and logbook to keep track of your finds. I use LibraryThing to catalog the books I own, and decided to join GoodReads as well, to keep track of the books I have read. I like the ratings and reviews, and you can even discuss the books you're reading with others.

1 comment:

Captain Crone said...

One of the tricky things about using social networking sites to reach one's target audience is that you have to keep up with your target audience! I know my daughter has moved from networking site to networking site as a new one becomes the hot thing, lol. She and all her pals just pick up and MOVE. I think librarians will have to stay on top of that trend if they plan to really reach kids through these sites.